- ChiQ’s fourth store is now open in Nigeria at 🇳🇬 🫡🎉.
A huge market of over 200 million people in the heart of Africa. We managed to open a restaurant and bar in an untouched blue ocean with almost no Japanese companies 💯💯💯💯.
The road to this point was not a smooth one, but with the tremendous support of my mentor, I managed to make it happen!🙇🙏.
The cost of opening the store cost us about $15,000, but it was a necessary investment to pioneer the future one step further 🌱
Employment of women!!!Contribution to society!!!
We will continue to risk our lives to create a world where people who work hard are rewarded 😁🔥.
Thank you for your continued support of ChiQ 🌞🌞. - ChiQ4店舗目はナイジェリア🇳🇬にてオープン致しました🫡🎉
アフリカの中心、2億人を超える巨大マーケット。日本企業はほとんど皆無の手付かずのブルーオーシャンにて、 死ぬ物狂いでなんとかレストラン& バーをオープンすることが出来ました💯💯💯
ここまでの道のりは決して平坦なものではなかったけれど、師匠の多大なるサポートのおかげでなんとか実現することが出来ま した!🙇🙏